Recognition & Treatment

Amputation: Recognition & Treatment

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Helping patients with rehabilitation and the management of the affected area after an amputation, is a big part of what we clinically do in our practice. We also ensure that patients are managing psychologically and emotionally after the amputation as this is a crucial part of the rehabilitation process.

From a physical perspective, we need to help the patient adjust to the new length of the finger, limb, or wherever the amputation has occurred. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that the patient is properly managing the area where the amputation was performed and also managing functionally.

Looking at the hypersensitivity, we look at the proprioception of the finger or the limb when it comes to bending, turning or twisting. This is a major part of what we do as part of the rehabilitation process.

If you have recently had an amputation, and would like to consult with one of our fully qualified therapists, please call us at Melbourne Hand Therapy today (03) 9899 8490 or leave an enquiry and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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